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WORLD.OHF.CZ was founded on 1st July 2000. About OHF
Chief: ada, OHF#184 (info)
Webmaster#1: xRadis, OHF#27 (info)
Webmaster#2 + French Language Coordinator: Jack Barron, FRA#1 (info)
English Language Coordinator: FlyBear, US#1 (info)
Copyright: OHF.CZ & relevant authors.
We welcome all your comments, ideas, articles, pictures, tips for cool sites etc. We also need to know how does the page look on YOUR screen. So if
there is ANY problem or strange feature, don't hesitate to tell us about it.
Shortly, we are looking forward to EVERYTHING you send us to or through this form (for short messages)
OHF.CZ network: (Main Czech server), (International server), (Transfers of all the Czech players).
Antoher sections are being prepared.